Rebate Program Extended!
Referral Rebate Program Registration
Register with this form for our Referral Rebate program!

You or your favorite charity will get a $5 rebate for each order that lists you as the referral source. This rebate program has been extended until  Easter, 2000. Halo Effects, Inc. will send you or your designated charity a check, by the end of the month following any orders, for the total of all rebates credited to you!

Complete this form to indicate who or what organization will get the rebate check and how we can contact you.

Then click the 'Submit' button below.

Or call Halo Effects, Inc. at the toll-free number below with this information.

* indicates the required information!

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*Your Name
*Your Phone No.
*Your E-mail
Payee Name (if different from above)
*Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code

Halo Effects, Inc.
10061 Riverside Drive, 136
Toluca Lake, CA 91602

Phone: 818-233-0262

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